This project began on a whim. Tired of feeling like women were being silenced and undermined, tired of racism and ableism that was appearing everywhere, it was a small way to combat that sense of daily despair.
I began to paint a woman a day because a friend suggested it, and because I strongly believed I could find a woman who changed the world in some way, every day, for 365 days. Each watercolor doodle was posted on instagram, accompanied by a caption about the woman and her historical legacy. Researching these women and delving into their lives, I found that their stories and words encouraged and bolstered me every day.
Over seven hundred doodles later, I continue to think of a quotation I found while researching Florence Nightingale for her doodle:
"Never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard seed germinates and roots itself."
I hope my little "mustard seed" of a project will, through sharing the stories of these remarkable and diverse women, illustrate that there are myriad ways in which to create change, and a plethora of ways to live.
‘Women Creating Change,’ artwork by Cambridge artist Tiffany Wong
Tribute to 'Women Creating Change' by Cambridge artist Tiffany Wong